Letter to a Relative

Love Letter Express will write a love letter from the heart of you - to a parent, grandparent or another relative.
If words or affirmation and gifts are what makes them tick, a Letter to a Relative will let them know they are loved and bring them joy.

Please note, letters can only be posted within New Zealand at this time.
For international orders, please select the Digital Letter option.

Letter to a Relative | Love Letter Express custom written to your family member, in laws, grandparents or children

How a Love Letter Express purchase works

Step One

Step One | Purchase a Love Letter Express

When you purchase a Letter to a Relative, you will receive a confirmation email of your purchase.

In the confirmation email is a link to a questionnaire. This is really important to fill out as part of the purchase, so that your letter to your loved one is accurate!

Step Two

Step Two | Get your letter written by Love Letter Express

Melanie writes a letter tailored from you to your relative using the questionnaire information - this is all totally confidential and is not shared in any other way. 

At this point, sit back and relax - the hard work is done!

Step Three

Step Three | The Love Letter Express is written and sent to your nominated person

Melanie will email you when the letter is ready. A printed letter is printed on top quality paper, popped into a matching envelope and posted directly to your relative.

When purchasing, choose a format type: 

  • Digital only (emailed PDF)
  • Printed & Posted only
  • Combo: Both Digital (emailed PDF) and Printed & Posted.

If you haven't received the email or can't find the questionnaire, here it is!
You can contact Melanie here

"Getting the love letter from my granddaughter made my day, week ... life! I’ve posted it to my heart, so I can reread it anytime I like and it will stay there for ever.

I could hear her voice in the words and I am so proud to know that she values the principles of our culture, at such a young age. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly love her more, I have felt love on a whole lot of different levels."


Love Letter Express | Celebration | write a letter
Love Letter Express | Marriage & Engagement | express your love in a letter to your partner
Love Letter Express | Anniversary & Birthdays | write a letter to celebrate your milestone
Love Letter Express | Friendship | write a letter to let a friend know how much you appreciate them
Love Letter Express | Work Colleagues | Tell your boss, employee, workmate how great they are at their job. Appreciation letter

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